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Resiliency Committee


Resiliency Committee

Edie Dondero, Chairperson



The South Bethany Resiliency Committee – established in August 2023.



The purpose of the Resiliency Committee is to assist the Town Council of South Bethany in evaluating risks to infrastructure and public and private property from the anticipated effects of climate change including coastal erosion, storms and flooding events, and sea level rise; and to aid in developing and implementing plans and projects to mitigate those risks.

Scope of Work:

  • Review existing plans and studies for South Bethany and identify potential projects to enhance the Town’s resiliency.
  • Recommend priorities of resiliency projects, research potential project costs, and identify possible funding sources and/or grant opportunities.
  • Recommend new ordinances or amendments to the Town code that will enhance resiliency.
  • Develop and promote educational/informational resources related to the anticipated effects of sea level rise and the Town’s vulnerabilities.
  • Work with the Council and Town staff to develop a communication strategy and procedures to keep citizens informed about current and future resiliency planning projects.
  • Regularly review information on sea level rise projections to continually evaluate potential risks to the Town.

Committee Members:

  • Edie Dondero, Chairperson 
  • Rick Braida
  • Arthur Burritt
  • Gerald Injaian
  • Joan Marini
  • Michael Powell

Studies & Reports:

Homeowner Resources:


Upcoming Meetings:

No events

Past Meetings: