Offshore Wind
1) Citizen’s Guide to the Renewable Energy Authorization Process
2) US Wind’s Maryland Offshore Wind Project Information (including COP, EIS, Visual Assessment)
3) DNREC Permitting Process for Offshore Wind Infrastructure at Delaware Seashore State Park
4) DNREC June 5, 2024, Joint Information Session for US Wind Project
5) US Wind Record of Decision (ROD) on Federal Permit Application
6) BOEM Press Release RE: Maryland Offshore Wind Project & ROD
8) U.S. Wind’s Construction & Operations Plan Approved by BOEM
9) DNREC Approves Permits for U.S. Wind Offshore Project
10) County Council Rejects U.S. Wind Proposal for Grid Connection Site
11) U.S. Wind to Challenge Decision to Deny Permitting
12) Governor Carney & DNREC Sign Agreement with U.S. Wind
13) BOEM Finalizes Fisheries Mitigation Guidance