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Planning Commission Meeting

Date & Time:
Friday, March 15, 2019

10:00 am

Town Hall
402 Evergreen Road
South Bethany, Delaware


1. Call to Order – Chairman Oliver

2. Announcement of Absences and/or Remote Access

3. Adoption of Minutes – January 18, 2018 Minutes

4. Continue to discuss the Street Lighting Master Plan Working Document.
Discuss format and content of draft light pole census data report.

5. Discuss PC Progress Report for the Comprehensive Plan.

6. Discuss upcoming two vacancies.

7. Discuss meeting schedule.

8. Public Comment

9. Adjournment

Note: The agenda items, as listed, may not be considered in sequence. This agenda is subject to change to include additional items including executive sessions or the deletion of items including executive sessions which arise at the time of the meeting. 29 Del.C § 10004(e)(2)

March 15, 2019 Minutes

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