General Information
There are no advisories at this time.
- No hunting/discharge of firearms
- No camping/living in trailer, camper, tent
- No parking of camper/trailer on street over 24 hours except by special permit.
- Construction Hours: September 16-May 14: Monday – Saturday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
May 15-September 15: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. - NO CONSTRUCTION ON SUNDAYS or OBSERVED FEDERAL HOLIDAYS
- Dogs must be on a leash at all times
- No dog excrement shall be left on public property–use a bag or other device to pick up and remove
- No swimming and no wake (speeding) in canals—responsible for damage caused by wake
- Click or tap to here to open a PDF of the Beach Rules
- Americans with Disabilities Act: The Town of South Bethany does not discriminate on the basis of disability in its programs, services, activities and employment practices. If you need auxiliary aids and services for effective communication (such as a sign language interpreter, an assistive listening device or print material in digital format) or reasonable modification to programs, services or activities contact the Town Manager as soon as possible, preferably one (1) week before the activity or event. A grievance procedure is available to resolve complaints. Upon request, this notice is available in alternative formats such as large print or Braille.
- South Bethany Town Council meets the 2nd Friday for meetings and the 4th Friday of each month for workshops in Town Hall (no meetings or workshops in January). Agendas are posted on the website calendar and meeting schedules are subject to change.
- Parking Permits are required daily from May 15 through September 15 (10 am -5 pm and 12 am-6 am) where posted.
- Residential parking permits for 2024 cannot be purchased until residents have submitted a Rental/Non-Rental Form, as well as making sure all outstanding fees from prior property tax, rental tax (if applicable), and/or rental license payments (if applicable) have been made.
- Property owners must submit the completed form to Town Hall prior to purchasing parking permits: 2025-Master-App.Rental-NonRental-Form
- Purchasing a Parking Permit does not guarantee a parking space.
- PROPERTY OWNERS – Four ways to purchase:
- 1) Online – click “Online Payments” and follow the process
- 2) Walk in Town Hall Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. (closed weekends and holidays)
- 3) Mail a check payable to Town of South Bethany, 402 Evergreen Rd., South Bethany DE 19930. Provide your mailing address and we will mail your permits directly to you.
- 4) Call 302-539-3653, ext. 101. Provide your credit card information and mailing address and we will mail your permits directly to you.
- VISITORS may purchase a daily non-refundable parking permit for $20 each at the outside kiosk located at Town Hall, 402 Evergreen Road, 24 hours/7 days a week. When purchasing, you must provide your vehicle license plate number, the kiosk only accepts credit cards (except American Express) and payment is non-refundable. Visitors with daily permits must park on the marked streets and parking spaces on the west side of Coastal Highway/Route One – Elizabeth Way, Anchorage Drive, Petherton Drive, Brandywine Drive, Henlopen Drive, New Castle Drive, and Layton Drive. Please NOTE: purchasing a Parking Permit does not guarantee a parking space.
The South Bethany town election is held annually on the second Saturday of May in the Town Hall, 402 Evergreen Road from 9am-3pm. For more detailed information, click here:
- A Rental license must be purchased prior to rental of any property.
- 2025-Master-App.Rental-NonRental-Form must be completed before a license will be issued or parking permits are purchased.
- Each rental license is $180.
- Every year, rental tax is 8% of the total gross receipts and is due by October 31.
Please familiarize yourself with the South Bethany Town Code:
Prior to any projects, please check with Town Code Enforcement Officer for the requirements and fees. Most projects will need a Building permit and a Mercantile license to work in the Town of South Bethany. Please be make sure the company you hire has BOTH forms processed:
Construction Hours for Contractors & Property Owners: September 16 through May 14: Monday through Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
May 15 through September 15: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
No construction work shall be performed on any Sunday or observed Federal holiday throughout the entire year, other than by owners or their family members working on their own properties. Observed Federal holidays are: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
Always check with the Code Enforcement Officer; here is a list of projects that require a building permit.
- Any cement or man-made change to structures
- Pervious or impervious paver seating areas or patios
- All new construction remodels and renovations
- Deck resurfacing or new decks
- Railing replacement
- Steps
- Windows and doors
- All repairs to structures
- Fill dirt or soil added to elevate a property
- Ground level decks, walkways or sidewalks
- HVAC replacement
- Shingles
- Docks, boatlifts, bulkheads, PWC lifts, boat ramps
- Fences
- Paved driveways
- Flagpoles
- Gas or water connection
- Geothermal loops or wells
- Siding
- 2025-App-full-year-MERCANTILE-LICENSE
- Mercantile license is $200 annually.
- A thirty-consecutive-day temporary license may be purchased for $50 once per fiscal year (May 1 through April 30). Check with Town Hall for details.
2025 Trash, Recycling, Yard Waste, Bulk Trash Pick-Up Calendar
Trash Collection Schedule:
- The homeowner provides their own trash container.
- Missed a scheduled pick up? Contact Town Hall at 302-539-3653 ext. 101.
- Bulk Trash Pick-Up Day is scheduled annually in the spring and fall.
- Items not eligible for collection, call Delaware Solid Waste Authority at 1-800-404-7080 or visit their website to view what items can be taken to the DSWA Jones Crossroads Landfill, 28560 Landfill Lane, Georgetown, DE 19947.
Yard Waste:
2025 Trash, Recycling, Yard Waste, Bulk Trash Pick-Up Calendar
- Yard Waste details are on the second page of the calendar.
- The recycling program is single stream – all recyclables are collected in one container.
- Need a recycle bin? Contact Town Hall at 302-539-3653 ext. 101.
- The Town provides one recycle bin per household.
- Keep updated by viewing the Town website for postings and the Town email updates.
- Drain your water pipes from outside showers to avoid freezing pipes from bursting prior to cold weather.
- Some snowfalls include high winds, please secure all outside items around your property, decks or docks.
- Prior to a snowfall, please remove your vehicles from the streets so the plows can come through and effectively plow the roadways.
- When shoveling, do not throw any snow into the street, as it is both unsafe and illegal.
- Please refrain from driving on the roadways until they are cleared, unless it is an emergency.
- Town staff is not permitted to assist property owners by clearing driveways, walkways or vehicles. It is the sole responsibility of the property owner to hire a snow removal service for their property (i.e., driveway, walkway, vehicle).
- Depending on the severity of the storm, expect trash/yard waste/recycling pick-up to be delayed.
- If you have room, remove snow from either side of your driveway entrance for a few feet as this may allow a snow plow to clear its load first rather than deposit a large amount of snow directly in front of your drive.

This diagram demonstrates the appropriate way to remove snow from your driveway