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Election 2025



Pat Weisgerber, 148 Anchorage Drive

Brad Gough, 121 Elizabeth Way

Sandra Roberts, 107 Canal Drive

Alternate: Frank Weisgerber, 148 Anchorage Drive


Ann Baker, 101 Canal Drive

Stephanie Bunoski, 417 Victoria Drive

Ingrid Moore, 309 W. 6th Street



Posted 2/28/2025



Charter §6 Municipal Elections

The South Bethany 2025 Election will be held at Town Hall, 402 Evergreen Road, South Bethany, Delaware, on Saturday, May 10, 2025, from 9am – 3pm.

Positions Open:

Three (3) Town Council Members shall be elected. All seats are for a two-year term.

Applications for Candidacy are available beginning February 28, 2025, and must be filed by close of business at 4:00 p.m. EST on March 20, 2025.  Applications are available at Town Hall, via e-mail to townhall@southbethany.org, or by calling (302) 539-3653.

Qualifications of Candidates:

Pursuant to the Town Charter:

  • Candidates for Town Council Member or Mayor shall have been a qualified voter of the Town for at least one (1) year prior to the date of election and meet the following requirements:
    • Attained twenty-one (21) years of age
    • A citizen of the United States
    • Registered under the Town’s voter registration ordinance (if one is in effect)
    • Has not been convicted of a felony or a crime of moral
  • At least four members of the seven members of Town Council shall qualify as “Residents”* of the Town, pursuant to Charter § 6.3.1(d)[2] and shall maintain the status of “Resident” throughout their
  • The term of office for each member of the Town Council and Mayor shall be two (2) years, and no person shall serve more than three (3) consecutive terms as Mayor, effective with terms beginning on or after the Election.

* A “Resident” of the Town is defined by Town Charter as:

Resident. A resident of the Town shall mean any natural person who has been physically residing within the Town corporate limits for at least thirty (30) days prior to any scheduled Town election, and who maintains residency within the Town on the date of election.

Town Council (3 vacancies). The Town Charter provides that at least four of the seven members of the Town Council (including the Mayor) must be residents of the Town, but all may be residents of the Town.

Based upon the current composition of Town Council, and the mayor’s residency requirement, one (1) of the three (3) Council seats up for election this year must be a Resident and two (2) may be filled by either a Resident or a Nonresident property owner. Each Council member shall continue, throughout his/her term of office, to maintain his or her residency status as described above.