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Town Council Workshop Meeting

Date & Time:
Thursday, August 27, 2020

3:00 pm

South Bethany

South Bethany, Delaware

Click or tap to open the following PDFs:

August 27, 2020, Town Council Workshop Meeting Minutes

Agenda – August 27, 2020, Town Council Workshop Meeting

This meeting will be conducted electronically pursuant to Governor Carney’s State of Emergency declaration, effective March 13, 2020, as amended.  Town Hall is closed to the public.

Electronic information necessary for participation:

Dial in using your phone
United States (Toll Free): 1 877 568 4106
Access Code: 681-821-949


1. Call Meeting to Order (Mayor Saxton)

2. Announcement of Absences

3. Discussion and possible vote on the approval of appointing a member to the FEMA Ad Hoc Committee

4. Discuss Town Code § 30-9 Animals as a public nuisance

5. Discuss services for 2021 trash hauler RFPs

6. Discuss change in the floodplain ordinance

7. Public Comment Period

8. Adjournment

Note: The agenda items, as listed, may not be considered in sequence. This agenda is subject to change to include additional items including executive sessions or the deletion of items including executive sessions which arise at the time of the meeting. 29 Del.C § 10004(e)(2)

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