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South Bethany Committee Guidelines

Date Posted: Wednesday, June 22nd, 2022


These Guidelines describe the manner in which Committees shall be formed or dissolved, the manner in which the membership of Committees shall be determined, and the manner in which the business, efforts or work of Committees shall be determined and conducted.

It shall be the duty of the Mayor and Town Council to create and to dissolve Committees. The Mayor and Town Council shall also establish each Committee’s role, its specific membership and its leadership. Committees exist for the sole purpose of fulfilling the role and direction authorized by the Mayor and Town Council.


Committee – A Standing Committee or Ad Hoc Committee in the Town of South Bethany is a body of at least three (3) voting members and up to nine (9) members appointed to consider, study, investigate or take action as a group on assigned matters. Committees are established to fulfill a specific purpose or serve in an advisory role to the Town Council as well as promoting greater citizen participation.

Citizen – Any person who owns property in the Town of South Bethany or has been a full-time resident for a minimum of six months. Only citizens may serve as voting members of any Committee.

Standing Committee – A Committee that carries on continuing Town work expected to be greater than one year. Examples of existing Standing Committees include: Budget and Finance, Community Enhancement, Canal Water Quality, Charter & Code, and Communications & Public Relations. These Committees will either have a Town Council member as the Chairperson or a Town Council member as a member. Ad Hoc Committees, Boards and Commissions are not Standing Committees. Standing Committees report directly to the Town Council.

Ad Hoc Committee – An Ad Hoc Committee is one created by the Mayor and Town Council to address a pressing and separate distinct issue, and will generally have a short term period of performance of less than one year. After a year, if necessary, the Committee can be reappointed. Examples of an Ad Hoc Committee are the Cat Hill Barricade, SB Committee Guidelines, Boat Lift, and Traffic. These Committees may have a Town Council member as the Chairperson or a Town Council member as a member. Town Council representation is not required and participation is up to the discretion of the Mayor and Town Council. However, Ad Hoc Committees report directly to the Town Council.

South Bethany Committee Guidelines 5.31.22

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